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Meet the Family: Daddo, Mama, & 5 kids!

When we heard the words, "your daughter has leukemia," our lives were forever changed. We're sharing what we've learned through that experience, as well as other aspects of our family. We homeschool, we homestead, & every day is a new adventure!

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How I Survive with 5 Kids Under 5yo

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

Yesterday at church, a two different people commented that they didn’t know how I managed so well with 5 kids. I wasn’t quite sure how to respond because the truth is,

I’m not sure I do.

Yes, we made it to church on time. All the kiddos were dressed & had been bathed recently. & I had even showered recently.

But that doesn’t always happen. Sometimes we get where we’re going & someone doesn’t have shoes. Or the diaper bag doesn’t have any diapers in it. Or I haven’t showered in more days than I’d care to admit, but have used lots of dry shampoo. Or I’ve consumed so much caffeine that I might never sleep again.

Plus, yesterday, I had help! I am so grateful for my sweet Daddo, who believes that parenting is a 50/50 gig! & because I’m home more, he does more than 50% of the work when we’re both home. He spoils me, & I thank God for him many times a day.

So sure, yesterday, we might have looked like we had it all together, but please don’t be fooled. Let’s take a look at today…

  1. I have wiped so many poopy butts that I may just lose my mind. Kensiealone has had 5 messy diapers before lunch. I blame Daddofor feeding her too many baked beans yesterday.

  2. Si decided to write all over the couch in pen. I lost my temper & yelled, & quite frankly, I yell more than I should.

  3. I sent the two big girls to the playroom to clean & they have been in there for over an hour “cleaning” – which means getting more toys out instead.

  4. I sat on the kitchen counter & scrolled through pinterest for a solid 10 minutes & ignored the kids whining. Why the kitchen counter? Because if I sit in the middle, no one can reach me & needed a break from being pulled on & touched. It’s the only place in the house this is possible.

  5. I fed my kids leftovers that I knew they would cry about. But the leftovers need to be eaten. They mostly just ate strawberries for lunch because they fed the leftovers to the dog.

  6. I am counting down the minutes until naptime.

This filthy, wild baby is the embodiment of our day today! She sure enjoyed the strawberries though.

I believe in being genuine with others, & the truth is, I’m just doing the best I can. Some days I get lucky, other days are really, REALLY bad. I take comfort in what Paul says in Phillipians 3 (MSG)

I’m not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.

The bad days are still terrible & today has been one of those. But it helps me see I can only survive with God’s help. No really, I’m not being super spiritual, I’m just being honest. Without Jesus, I’d have given up on having the “expansion pack” long ago. Plus, it makes the good moments that much sweeter.

So be encouraged, even in the terrible moments. Have some caffiene, hide in the bathroom, or send the kids outside, even if it’s raining. Take a couple deep breaths, thank God for His strength, & text a friend for some emotional support. Nap time is coming, & you can make it until then!

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