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The Haventree Family Blog

We add new blog posts every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. Please leave us a comment. We'd love to hear from you!

Blog: Text

Can You Have Peace When God Says Wait?

You know when you have a big prayer request? Something that is important & God hasn’t answered it yet. Maybe you’re struggling with...

How I Survive with 5 Kids Under 5yo

Yesterday at church, a two different people commented that they didn’t know how I managed so well with 5 kids. I wasn’t quite sure how to...

It's All About Perspective

Ohio, where you can experience all four seasons in a week or less… Don’t get me wrong, I love the changing temperatures. Plus, I prefer...

My New Year’s Resolutions

A new year means resolutions, right? Actually, I was surprised to discover that less than half of Americans report making resolutions...

I Choose Joy

Two years ago, my husband, kiddos, & I had just had the WORST vacation. We were going camping in a little camper in Alpena for Josh’s...

A Dose of Humiltity

Adri is now 3 & SI is 18 months. We’re eagerly anticipating the arrival of # 3 in the end of January. Yup, so there will be 21 month...

Time for Momma

Ok, first, I have to be candid. This particular post is being created on my phone while I elliptical as fast as my legs will allow. I am...

“How’s the plan, Momma?”

Ok, so I’m a planner, I admit it. Not just a write-a-list kind of person, but a 3 ring binder, sometimes crazy obsessive, every detail...

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